Welcome to Heart’s Delight® Bakery!
Heart’s Delight® Bakery offers absolutely delicious cookies, scones, cinnamon buns, Anadama bread and cakes!
Everything is baked to order with the highest quality, all-natural, organic ingredients.
Beside satisfying your sweet tooth, everything is healthy for your heart. Everything we bake is low or no-fat, cholesterol free and has very low or no sodium.
Our Story - How Heart's Delight® Bakery Came About
I always loved baking and, as everyone else, used all the traditional ingredients that make a yummy dessert including whole eggs, butter and cream. One day, my brother learned he had high cholesterol. He and his doctor decided to try changing his diet to see if it would lower his cholesterol. Well, he had no problem giving up red meat, butter and cheese and instead eating lots of heart healthy salmon cooked with olive oil or lemon. But, he did have a real problem thinking he could no longer have the desserts he loved. So he came to me with a challenge - to create luscious desserts that did not use butter, egg yolks, whole milk, cream or salt. It took a great deal of experimenting, but we have finally perfected many fabulous baked goods that satisfy any dessert lover's cravings.
Our signature offering is a chocolate walnut cookie that is wonderfully rich in flavor and texture. A delight to eat! And, you can eat them to your heart's content knowing the ingredients are all heart-healthy.
We are sure you will be delighted too!